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Witeboard widget for Notion

Created by Witeboard

Preview of the Witeboard widget

Simple online whiteboard.

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Embed Witeboard in your Notion workspace

Witeboard widget inside of a Notion workspace
Copy this URL to your clipboard
Type /embed in Notion to create a new embed block
Paste the URL from above to create the embed
More about Witeboard

If you would like a space to sketch out ideas directly inside of Notion, try embedding a whiteboard from Witeboard.

This is a demo whiteboard, but if you'd like to create your own, sign up for an account and copy the URL for your new whiteboard into Notion

Create custom Notion widgets with Plus

Plus lets you create widgets out of any app or website. Just use our extension to capture a live Snapshot, then embed it in Notion to see the latest data directly in your document.

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